What is Report Text and How to Write It?
Report text is a type of text that provides factual information about a general topic or phenomenon. It is different from descriptive text, which describes a specific thing in detail. Report text usually has a clear structure that consists of:
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General statement: a sentence that introduces the topic and gives an overview of what the text is about.
Description: a series of paragraphs that describe the topic using facts, examples, classifications, or comparisons.
Summary: a sentence that concludes the text by restating the main points or giving a recommendation.
To write a report text, you need to follow these steps:
Choose a topic that interests you and do some research to find reliable sources of information.
Make an outline of your text using the general statement, description, and summary as the main headings.
Write your general statement using simple and clear language. You can use a definition, a question, a quotation, or a statistic to introduce your topic.
Write your description using facts and examples to support your points. You can use subheadings, bullet points, tables, or diagrams to organize your information.
Write your summary using different words from your general statement. You can use a restatement, a suggestion, an evaluation, or a prediction to conclude your text.
Revise your text for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and coherence. You can use online tools or ask someone to proofread your text.
Here is an example of report text about platypus:
Platypus: A Unique Mammal
Platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal that lives in eastern Australia and Tasmania. It is one of the few living species of monotremes, which are mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. Platypus is also one of the most unusual animals in the world because of its appearance and characteristics.
The platypus has a flat body and tail that are covered with dense brown fur. It has webbed feet and a large rubbery snout that it uses to find food underwater. The platypus is also venomous: the male has a spur on its hind foot that can inject a painful toxin into its enemies. The platypus is often compared to a duck because of its bill and feet, but it is actually more closely related to echidnas, which are spiny anteaters.
The platypus is an active animal that hunts for worms, insects, crustaceans, and mollusks in freshwater streams and rivers. It uses electroreception to detect the electric fields generated by its prey. The platypus does not have teeth; instead, it grinds its food with plates in its mouth. The platypus can stay underwater for up to two minutes before surfacing for air. The platypus lives in burrows that it digs on the banks of waterways. It is mostly nocturnal and solitary, except during the breeding season.
The platypus is an amazing animal that combines features of different groups of animals. It is one of the symbols of Australia's unique wildlife and biodiversity. The platypus is also an endangered species that faces threats from habitat loss, pollution, predation, and climate change. Therefore, it is important to protect and conserve this remarkable creature for future generations. 0efd9a6b88