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zeus2d_v2.0The original zeus-2d code in F77. Contains algorithms for compressiblehydrodynamics, MHD, and radiation hydrodynamics (using flux-limiteddiffusion) in Cartesian, cylndrical, or spherical polar coordinates.Since this is an old version, some parts require updating (for example,the sparse matrix solver for the radiation hydrodynamics algorithms).Requires the HDF4 library from tocompile and run.BE WARNED: This version is less tested and less reliable thanthe LCA version.
zeus3dA three-dimensional version of the zeus-2d code in F77. Containsalgorithms for compressible hydrodynamics and MHD in Cartesian coordinateswith periodic boundary conditions in the Y and Z directions only.Includes routines for the shearing-sheet boundary conditions usedfor local studies of the MRI. This version has been optimized andparallelized for the SGI Origin system. Requires the HDF4 library from to compile and run.
The details contained in the indictment, criminal complaint and related pleadings are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.Anyone claiming an interest in any of the property seized or actions enjoined pursuant to the court orders described in this release is advised to visit the following website for notice of the full contents of the orders: -zeus.html .
Neither Health Canada nor the FDA have evaluated the vaporizers, blends and/or statements displayed on this website. The vaporizers displayed on this website are not intended for or made to prevent, treat or diagnose any illness. We recommend consulting with a licensed physician before using a vaporizer. By using a vaporizer, you understand that inhalation is inadvisable as it may be harmful, and use of a vaporizer is done at your own risk. Care should be taken prior to using a vaporizer, as vaporizing will not necessarily eliminate any and all toxins found in vaporized blends. Please note that to purchase a vaporizer from this website you must abide by local laws and be a minimum of 19 years of age. To use this website and make a purchase on this website: www.zeusarsenal.com, you both acknowledge and agree to follow our Terms of Use. 781b155fdc